Thai Urban Kitchen

It sizzles and steams, just like in the streets of Thailand

Anyone who has ever spent a vacation in Thailand can remember the small, narrow streets with the countless food stalls: the many impressions from different scents, the sounds from sizzling and steaming pots and the colorful presentation. This is exactly what our concept TUK Thai Urban Kitchen stands for: authentic experience of Thai cuisine in highest quality in urban Thai City Style.

With our TUK concept we want to give you a break from everyday life. Enjoy Tom Kha Gai, spring rolls, red and green curry, fried rice and fried noodle dishes as well as other far eastern highlights. All dishes are prepared according to original Thai recipes. In addition, selected, natural and fresh ingredients are chosen. Our dishes are not only a tasty experience, they are also extremely healthy and wholesome. Short cooking times and the gentle processing of our fresh ingredients, guarantee a maximum of vitamins and minerals. 

Enjoy and experience a short vacation away at one of our locations:

Bahnhof Luzern
Zentralstrasse 1
6002 Luzern
Google Maps

Bahnhof Basel Passerelle
Güterstrasse 115
4002 Basel
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Airport Genève
Route de l'Aéroport 21
1215 Le Grand-Saconnex
Google Maps

Foodland Flughafen Zürich
Flughafenstrasse 3
8302 Zürich
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